Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ernst Von Mansfeld Thirty Years

Thirty Years' War: Ernst von Mansfeld Ernst von Mansfeld was a German military commander in the Thirty Years War. Although he fought for the Protestant cause, Mansfeld was a Roman Catholic. He was considered one of the most dangerous opponent of the Catholic League. He was born in 1580 as the illegitimate son of Peter Ernst I von Mansfeld-Vorderort and Dorothea von Solms- Lich. In 1594 he served under Archduke Leopold. Then, in 1610 he Joined Frederick V and the Protestant Union. At the age 36 he led his first regiment of 2000 men.He fought for the Protestant Union until he died from illness in November, 1626. In the Bohemian Phase of the Thirty Years' War Mansfeld led an army of 2000 men, raised by the Duke of Savoy, to aid the Bohemian rebels. He successfully siege the Bohemian city of Pilsen in 1618. Mansfeld was defeated in the Battle of Sablat after being inactive for a while. At the Battle of White Mountain Masfeld and his forces were defeated, and in shortly after forced to su rrender Pilsen to the Catholics. Toward the end of the Bohemian Phase King Frederick V selected Mansfeld to lead is Bohemian troops.Following this he undertook Frederick's position in Upper Palatinate. He then moved into Rhenish Palatinate. This allowed Mansfeld to successfully defend against Johann Tserclaes, the Count of Tillys attempt at overtaking Bohemian rebel regiments. He also was defeated by Tilly twice. Mansfeld's troops were very destructive, not only to the lands of his enemy, but to the lands he was supposed to defend. During the Palatine Phase of the Thirty Years' War Mansfeld raised another of Frederick Vs armies in an effort to recover Palastine.The effort was a failure, because he was once again defeated by Tilly. Then Mansfeld was given an army of 12,000 men by James I of England. These troops were sent into the Dutch city of Breda as an attempt of relief for the Siege of Breda, but the troops were not permitted set foot on land, and Breda fell in 1625. Mansfeld le d the remainder of his army to Dutch lands, where they were once again defeated by Habsburg forces. Mansfeld continued to fght. He led his forces to Bergen-op-Zoom, a Dutch city seiged by the Spainish in 1622. This led to the relief of the city.Mansfeld spent 1624 and 1625 raising an anti-Habsburg army. He led this coalition in a march on Bohemia in 1626, but in a turn of events Mansfeld was forced to turn to Hungary. He intended on returning to his base after being defeated by Tilly once again. On his return home Mansfeld fell ill, and on November 29, 1626 he died in Bosnia. Mansfeld was a great force to be reckoned with during Thirty year's War. The Protestant Union can contribute much ot their success during the early phases ot the war. He was remarkable because he fought for the Protestant cause while remaining a faithful Catholic.

Macbeth Monologue

Monologue The witches were telling the truth. I was shocked when they said I was the thane of Cawdor I thought it was just lies. But now Angus and Ross told me officially that I am the thane of Cawdor. Wow this is a huge honor, a new title the thane of Glamis and Cowder. But what did he do? That’s right he is a traitor. But why have I taken his position? What have I done to disserve this title? Indeed I fought in the battle but so did countless others.What sets me apart from those courageous souls fighting alongside me? Witches actually exist? Magic is around us? If they are truly all powerful, perhaps they deserve this title more than I do. But they are ugly I have to say honestly. Is it weird that they knew who I am? That’s right they are witches after all. One of them did say something which I think I heard wrong, she said al â€Å"all hail Macbeth-that shalt be king hereafter† but what will the king do wrong, he is the king after all, a noble king.I’m sure they are mistaken; he is a wonderful ruler and a great role model. Aha! They must not be witches, I am not of royal descent, so I am not able to claim the Kings thrown. Here’s my guess, they were lucky, or perhaps they are not supernatural but supernaturally smart. So foul and fair a day I have not seen. I refuse to believe what they say because they are just imperfect speakers. By sinels death I know I am thane of Glamous and know thane of Cowdor

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ict Unit 2

BTEC ICT Unit 2 – Working in the IT industry Name: Form: 10T Teacher: Contents Task 14 Research the characteristics required to work in the IT sector4 Describe the characteristics and display it in a table. 4 Task 26 Create a table with two columns, regarding job role and descriptions6 List the different type of roles that can be found in the ICT sector6 Describe each of the job roles6 Task 311 Create a booklet regarding ONE job role11 List the characteristics needed for the specific job role11 Task 414 Extend the booklet -Explain why certain characteristics are needed for the specific jobs. 14 Task 519Write a written report to justify the job role which meets the above criteria. 19 ————————————————- Aim of Assignment The aim of this unit is to ensure that learners have knowledge of the available job roles involving professional IT and the characteristics employers d emand in the IT industry. ————————————————- Learning Outcomes 1. Know the characteristics that are used by the employers in the IT industry 2. Know the common job roles undertaken by people working in the IT industry ————————————————- Key WordsIndustry specific: technical knowledge, working procedures, health and safety knowledge General: skills e. g. interpersonal skills, planning skills, organizational skills, time management, team working, numeric skills, creativity, problem solving Attitudes: preferred e. g. determined, independent, integrity, tolerant, dependable, leadership, confidence, self-motivation General IT: roles e. g. solutions architecture, solution development and implementation, network management, information security, technical writers, data ad ministrators, IT service management and delivery; hardware specific e. g. anufacturing, repair, supply, installation, networks; software specific e. g. applications programmers, systems programmers, website developer, communications programmers Investigation and design: analysts; designers; project managers ————————————————- Scenario IT Venture is an ICT recruitment agency which specialises in IT jobs. In the recent times getting a job in the IT industry has become very difficult. To help the people who want to get into the industry the agency wants to run an article and alongside it they will advertise job roles which will include the ideal employee attributes.In this assignment you are a junior recruiter working at the agency. The manager has asked you to take on the task of writing the article about characteristics needed to work in the ICT industry. You will then produ ce a table with a selective number of IT job roles, the job roles will state the employee attributes needed to them. ————————————————- 1. Researching the requirements Grade P1 You will have to research the characteristics which are needed to get a job in the industry.The best way to go about the task is to state the characteristics and then to describe them. Task 1 For P1 you need to: Research the characteristics required to work in the IT sector Describe the characteristics and display it in a table. P1 -Evidence to be submitted: 1. Table with 2 columns using the headings = characteristics and description Characteristics required in the IT industry Characteristics/skills | Description | Interpersonal | * Definition- Relating to others, getting on with people (and getting the job done) * Needed because you must get on with people. * If you don’t get on with people t hen you cannot get the job done! People may find you a negative influence if you cannot work with others properly. | Planning | * Definition- Planning your work, task lists, doing things in the right order, ensuring you have all the resources required. * Needed because unorganised people tend to get less work done * Bosses dislike unorganised people because they can create havoc in the workplace * If you plan when to do things then you will have more free time to do what you want| Organisational | * Definition: Being organised is having a clean and tidy workspace where you can work to your maximum capacity. Being unorganised can be very annoying to other members of your team if you are in one * Unorganised network support managers won’t be able to keep track of the computers they manage. | Problem solving| * Definition: Problem solving is dealing with a situation as effectively as possible and getting an positive outcome * Being able to solve a problem quickly and efficiently will mean that you save time. * If you are an IT technician and you are unable to solve a problem than clients and customers will view you as unprofessional and that you don’t have the skills to be a technician. Creativity | * Definition: allowing yourself to make wild and crazy yet sensible ideas or suggestions. * It is important to be creative so that you can stand out in your workplace. * You can reach different audiences which will be good for business. * IT technicians need to be creative to be able to create programmes that are suited to the audience, for example a children's programme. | Numeric| * Definition: using and applying mathematical skills in situations where it is needed. * When an IT Programmer is working they need to use numeric skills to code the software. Basic math skills will be needed for certain programs and you need to know how to do equations. | Team working| * Definition: working amongst a group of people while giving help and also receiving help. * You would be surprised how much you learn from your peers and colleagues. * A Programmer would need to work in a team to help complete the project to their best ability. | Time Management| * Definition: Spending time wisely and productively. * During a work project you need plan how you will use your time so you can finish the project to a good standard. If you can’t manage your time properly then you will be delayed on tasks as you have basically wasted time. | ————————————————- 2. Describing the job role and stating the characteristics Grade P2, P3, P4, D1 For this part of the section you will be looking at various job roles and you will write down the job and a description of the job. You will then have to write down the characteristics requirements for each job role. For the characteristic that you have specified you will need to explain why a specific charac teristic is needed for each job.Task 2 For P2 you need to: Create a table with two columns, regarding job role and descriptions List the different type of roles that can be found in the ICT sector Describe each of the job roles P2 -Evidence to be submitted: 1. A table with a list of jobs and job roles. P2 Roles and Responsibilities in IT Job Job Title| Roles and Responsibilities| Desired Personal characteristics| 1. Network Technician| Computer network technicians build and maintain computer networks used by business, education, government, and health-care institutions.Networks linking desktop computers allow users to send electronic mail (e-mail) and to share data, computer applications, and Internet connections. As more institutions establish computer networks, the demand for skilled computer network technicians will grow. | Time management is really important as you may have a lot of work to do on a deadline. Problem working skills are also important because you may need to analy se a problem before working it out. You also need to solve a problem as quickly as possibly but also as efficiently as possible. 2. Website Developer| The web designer has the responsibility of the design and format of the website. They also have to responsibility for coding the website. They also have the responsibility to update any software and the system also maintenance of the website. | Creativity is important as they have to design a website that is original and stands out from the rest of the competition. Another skill is problem solving. This is needed because there might be faults and glitches in the system that makes using the website hard for users.So the designer needs to iron out any glitches. | 3. Systems programmer| A programmer needs to research and examine current systems. They need to work well other colleagues in the design and analyst compartment. They have to write the software need to find faults with any programs. | You need problem solving skills as you have to find faults with a program and then fix it another skill is analytical skills. This is needed because you have to be able to solve complexes and uncomplicated problems. This is also similar to problem solving skills. 4. Data administrator| A database administrator has the role monitoring the performance, integrity and security of a database. | They need to have team working skills because they control the data base of the company in a team; this is because in a team they will work more efficiently. Also they need to have problem solving skills because if users of the database are having problems they need to solve as quickly and efficiently as possible. | 5. Network manager| As a network manager, you have two  roles.You’ll be responsible for installing and maintaining the company's computer networks, and also to train staff to provide first rate technical support. | As a network manager you will need to have problem solving skills, this is because you may face problems in the networks that you need to solve. Also you need to have team working skills as you will be working in a team and you will need to work with them efficiently. Furthermore you must have communication skills, because you will need to teach staff and communicate well with them.Some other interpersonal skills needed are the ability to communicate face to face and have clear written communication also listening skills is important. | 6. Technical writer| The roles and responsibilities of a technical writer is that they must ensure their audience understands the text. This is because their job is to make complex technical information sound relatively easy. | They need communication skills; this is because they need make information easy to understand instead of a technical jargon which many consumers do not understand.Also they need to have team working skills, as they will be most of the time working in a team. | Source from www. wikipedia. com Task 3 For P3 you need to: Create a bo oklet regarding ONE job role List the characteristics needed for the specific job role P3 -Evidence to be submitted: 1. A booklet with ONE jobs and job characteristics Task 4 For M1 you need to: Extend the booklet -Explain why certain characteristics are needed for the specific jobs. Evidence to be submitted: 1. A booklet with a list of jobs, job characteristics and explanation of specific characteristic requirementsWhy certain characteristics are important for system analysts (M1) This essay will be highlighting the important skills that are required for a system analyst. Characteristic that are required for a system analyst are: * Interpersonal skills * Analytical skills * Organisational skills * Technical skills * Maintenance * Team working * Communicational * Time Management * Flexibility * Adaptability * Tolerance * Integrity * Determination and self-motivation Interpersonal skills The system analyst needs to be able to interact and communicate with the organization, business a nd colleagues in order to solve problems.Interpersonal skills consist of many things; communicating with others, but also our confidence and our capability to listen and understand. Problem solving, decision making and personal stress management are also considered interpersonal skills. System analyst need to be able to clarify their ideas and judgment. System analyst with sound interpersonal skills can identify which are the best ways of collaborating with system users. Analytical skills Analytical skills are the ability to visualize and solve both uncomplicated and complex problems and concepts and make decisions that are appropriate to the situation.Analytical skills can be referred to as problem solving skills, and this is an essential skill needed, as a system analyst. System analyst need to be able to have the ability to see things as systems, identify, analyze, and troubleshoot or solve problems in an optimal way for a specific organization. Also, as a system analyst you have to be able to be an active learner, complex problem solver, active listener, critical and logical thinker. Organisational skills Organizational skills are to be able to plan ahead, timetabling, working deadlines and meeting them.Furthermore, being organized helps you to know what is expected of you each day and to be prepared to meet those expectations. As a system analyst, being organized is important because you will have to meet deadline, complete all tasks at a high standard. If you are not fully organized this means that you will fail tasks and produce low quality grade work which could evidently get you in trouble with the business and resulting in your dismissal from the workplace. Technical skills Technical skills are ability to understand how computers, data networks, databases and operating systems work.You need to have good knowledge and understanding of hardware and software as it is to know what exactly you are analyzing. Technical skills are important for system analy st as they need to be able to decipher problems, and having knowledge of computer and network systems and of IT on a macro level. This will help to be able to provide solutions to system users. Team working Team working is the process of working collaboratively with a group of people (strangers and colleagues alike) in order to achieve a goal. Team working skills are crucial in businesses.Teamwork means that people will try to cooperate and participate, using their individual skills and providing constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict between individuals. Theoretically they all pitch in ideas to make a transformed hybrid super idea. System analyst need to be interactive when working within a group because you share different expertise and you can get more knowledge from the people in the group. Also, to be able examine systems more efficiently and quickly. Maintenance Maintenance is when you uphold and preserve a system frequently instead of neglecting it.This helps st op problems as everything is up to date. Maintenance can be used for repairing and providing solutions. System analysts are responsible for the operating system and associated alternate systems. Provide system-level support of multi-user operating systems, hardware and software tools, including installation, configuration, maintenance, and support of these systems. System analyst need to keep their work in mint conditions; have lots of responsibility of systems and be prepared in order to solve problems. Communicational skillsCommunicational skills include effective interpersonal communication (written, verbal, visual, electronic, face-to-face conversations, presentations in front of groups), listening, and group skills. The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others clearly. Communicational skills are life skills and needed not only in businesses or organisation they are also acquired on day to day living. As a system analyst, it is significant and valuable to have communicational skills as they need to talk to and interact with system users to find what they do, and their colleagues for information.As well as, system analyst look at current existing systems and problems in those systems, therefore they have to interview users to find their findings and solve the problem they are trying to resolve. They need good communicational skills, as they take part in business speaking, business writing, interviewing, listening, technical discussion and technical writing. Flexibility The general, basic definition of flexibility is not similar to this type of definition of flexibility. For system analyst, their timetable and plan needs to be flexible, this means can adjust to change for a day.For instance, if they have organised or planned for a day of communicating and interacting with system users, but instead they had a business meeting, then they have to adjust to it. Adaptability Adaptation is a natural process that all organisms have gone thro ugh. However in these circumstances there is altered. It still has the same principle which is that you change a feature that evidently means you work better. Adaptability is the ability to change to fit changed circumstances. This is similar to flexibility, as they need to adapt to changes in their timetable.Tolerance Tolerance is having the capacity to remain patient at difficult times. This is vital for every occupation, but as a system analyst, they will need to communicate and work in team with others most of the time, so having tolerance and be patient at times, like when interviewing or asking system users, working with others at difficult times, they need be tolerant, in order to prevent conflict or argument which can cause trouble in work. Integrity Integrity is the quality of being honest, truthful and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.As a system analyst, your integrity is your honesty and respect and sense of duty in work, and in life. Your employer needs to be able to trust you and you need to have a good bond between you and your employer and colleague’s, because then you can have more responsibility and because of this, your employer will give you a higher priority in your profession. Your integrity creates bonds in your workplace. Determination and self-motivation System analyst need to have ambitions or desire to achieve or succeed in a given situation. (E. g.Self-belief and determination in solving a technical problem) Determination and motivation will make the system analyst more focused and concentrated on their work and they will harder to try to achieve something, they will have full control of their work and have the confidence to complete all given tasks. This is a useful skill for anyone; it also helps parts of organizational skills. Source: www. wikipedia. com (Written report explaining characteristics for jobs) (Extension of booklet explaining the characteristics of certain jobs) Task 5Dave Tipton the director of the agency needs a specific person to work for the agency. You have been given a set of characteristics from the director for which you will determine the best person for the job and will have to justify your choice. The following characteristics are: Good communication skills Problem solving Time management Confident Dependable Technically Strong Qualifications: MCP Microsoft XP MCP Microsoft 2003 Cisco CCNA For D1 you need to: Write a written report to justify the job role which meets the above criteria. Evidence to be submitted:Written report for your justification Task 2- A network technician (D1) Jasmine Zerbanski is suited for the job role of a Network Technician. A Network technician has many responsibilities for a business or organization that they work for. The normal job of a network technician involves monitoring network activity; configuring network equipment; analysing network security; and dealing with cables, especially in connection ports. There are array of skill s required for being a network technician and some of these skills include: Planning, analysing, communication and problem solving skills.Jasmine Zerbanski is suited for this job because she has good communication skills. This is important as she can interact with users and colleagues clearly and effectively. Although she is a little shy, she easily overcomes this and works very well individually and with others. She is highly self-motivated and is capable of producing quality work. Jasmine has amazing analytical skills; this means that she can identify network errors quickly. Jasmine has experience with creating and maintaining networks.Jasmine has built a small network in her home, and this shows her ingenuity and creativity skills. Creativity skills are essential for a technician as they are able to come up with original ideas that make the life of the users easier. Jasmine has interpersonal skills. She has demonstrated that she is able to interact with other people. She has the ability to plan multiple tasks, and perform them to the highest quality. This is stated in her reference. She can diagnose IT problems, predict and forecast things and identify relevant casual factors and does goal setting.She is very well organised, she is able to put her work into a timetable and meet deadlines, and she has very good organisational and time management skills, she can control time over specific activities, as a network technician you need to manage your time, when you solve problems. Jasmine has team working skills, she is able to work with other people in groups to identify and solve IT problems; she is able to communicate with other people. She has numeric skills, as an IT technician, you need numeric skills in order to use different methods on how to solve problems.She can solve problems (problem solving skills, she has the intelligence to use different methods in solving problems and she is capable of quality work, so as a technician she will be able to solve a nd fix different hardware’s and software’s and many other IT inventions. She also possesses good written communication skills. This is useful in she ever needs to write notes and hand written letters. Overall, Jasmine Zerbanski is most suitable for the role as a Network technician. She has many useful skills which coincide with being a network technician.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Lockheed Martins Acquistion of NationScape, Inc Case Study

Lockheed Martins Acquistion of NationScape, Inc - Case Study Example The US, for example, combines more of diplomacy and military engagements known as soft power. By acquiring NSI, Lockheed should be able to provide support services for government agencies such as USAID and the United Nations agencies. Military stability support, reconstruction and security transition are major engagements for the department of defense. NSI will enable Lockheed to take advantage of government contracts aimed at promoting these engagements. NSI will enable Lockheed to globalize its operations. Over 90% of Lockheed, staff is in the United States. This does not help the company to have a global outlook and therefore its revenues are constrained in the hosting country (Petrescu & Relly 73). NSI has operations in more than 50 countries across six continents and it is still looking to increase its operations in more countries in Asia and African region. Acquiring NSI will, thus, enable Lockheed have a global outlook, unlike its current position. It will be easier for Lockheed to enter other non-traditional markets when it has this global outlook. Lockheed will also take advantage of the NSI staff located in different parts of the world. This will enable the company to expand its operations without significantly increasing its labor costs. Lockheed will make more money from engagements with the Department of State and development assistance, which had a budget off over $31 billion (Petrescu & Relly 123). In addition to the increased budgetary allocations, other customers such as the Department of Defense, international organizations such as NATO and allied foreign governments are also increasing their spending programs. This means that Lockheed will be assured of a ready market since acquiring NSI puts the company at a competent position to meet the high demand. Increasing its global coverage should enable Lockheed to achieve its vital corporate strategies. This will lead to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

SEE ATTACHMENT4L Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SEE ATTACHMENT4L - Essay Example Finally, conflicts with a friend is best resolved using analytical skills to determine the root of the problem, and to eventually compromise, on the basis of the terms agreed upon. What are the barriers to win - win solutions? Win-win solutions mean that the terms and conditions are agreeable and amenable on both parties. The barrier to this type of solution therefore is finding a middle ground which would enable both parties to compromise on an agreement. How do you agree to disagree with someone? Agreeing to disagree with someone entails cognitive skills that would have enabled one to assess the source of conflict on issues being discussed. When the argument being asserted does not conform to one’s believes, values, and preferences, then; it is best to disagree with the contentions of the other party. Where they effective in resolution? Some of the avoidance tactics, such as deferring the discussion of the issue to future dates is effective, only in terms of preventing exacerbating the conflicting situation. When anger or emotional intensity have subsided, then, both parties could try to resolve the issue using other conflict resolution strategies, such as problem-solving, or compromising, as

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Crisis in Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Crisis in Public Relations - Essay Example However, the design and findings is not as strong in the abstract because of the lack of detail, making the main point vague. Background The background is defined specifically with two crises’ that led to the investigation. This allows the reader to understand what the research is about and why it is important to portray. Creating this basis with the latest outbreaks makes it easier for the reader to understand the importance of communication during a crisis and why this is important to convey to the public. This is combined with statistics, referencing and case studies that create a clear and simplistic understanding of why the research study is important. Literature Review The literature review begins with theoretical implications that relate to communication and how this builds with a crisis. This then links to the case studies that are used in the background and leads into theoretical frameworks to imply the importance of crisis communication. The ideology is furthered wit h Coomb’s crisis response strategies and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions as well as media framing. The strength of this section is with using the theoretical framework as the main ideology for the case studies. ... The questions are defined with a narrow focus and with the understanding that this will link back to the theories and case studies previously mentioned. Even though these are strong and imply specific results, it is noted that the researcher has a stereotype from the case studies, specifically toward Asian nations. This is noted as the main hypothesis is examined based on the stereotypes constructed earlier. This creates too narrow of a viewpoint and doesn’t provide complete insight into the questions being asked. Method The definitions that are provided in the methodology are clear and have a structure that places a strong basis for the research. One is able to trace the different findings and understand the main methodology which is used to conduct the needed samples. This is furthered with creating a strong way of analyzing the results to retrieve the correct information while building a time line to gather information. While the researcher provides the strong definitions a nd basis, the methodology as a whole is not as strong. The resources chosen to use connects with includes both national and local papers for the US but only has national papers for Korea. This doesn’t allow a broad investigation of the results desired. There is also a lack of information in terms of where the information was coded for the newspapers and why the study was conducted this way. These gaps may have altered the findings and didn’t provide a strong methodology to retrieve complete results with the investigation. Data / Findings The findings that are listed are clear and easy to understand where one is able to understand the communication crisis difference. This is further defined

Friday, July 26, 2019

Rapid dissemination of images has had an impact on artists Essay

Rapid dissemination of images has had an impact on artists - Essay Example Artists who are not affiliated with any major companies find comfort in the Internet as an effective channel to distribute their labor of love to a particular niche (Poole and Le-Phat Ho 5). Pool and Le-Phat Ho mention that a survey in England reveals that art enthusiasts â€Å"explore† art materials online than those who are not interested at all (5). With this idea, it is significant to discuss postmodern artists and the impacts of digital technology to their works. Shepard Fairey. He is the man behind Studio Number One and is the well-known publisher of Swindle Magazine (Heller and Talarico 117). More than the common affiliations, Fairey bleeds art, as he started making artworks for shirts and later on to another medium since he was in college. His designs are of course authentic, making them in balance between quantity and quality (Heller and Talarico 117). In one of his artworks, Fairey expressed his stance over the rapid dissemination of the images of artworks with the advent of digital technologies. Particularly, he criticized existing laws concerning copyrights of artists to their artworks (Taylor 172). Fairey campaigned for a copyright law to be passed in the United States that is applicable in the present era. Fairey’s campaign is a manifestation of artists’ â€Å"anxiety† over copyright infringement (Taylor 172; Sullivan 41). The present media culture suggests it being an â€Å"open-source† of anything that can be stored and retrieved in there (Boomen et al. 271). Fairey fought for artists’ rights over their own work. He understood that there must be some acknowledgement of originality among breakthrough artists in the digital field. With this in mind, Fairey understands â€Å"new spatial heterotopias,† which suggest that there is actually a difficulty in delineating space and physical landscape in art (Boomen et al. 272). Sherrie Levine. Rephotography is her

Employee Reward Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employee Reward - Essay Example People or the organization’s human resources are a very integral part of the organization. They operate and run the machinery and carry out the roles that the machines can not do. The people are even more important when it comes to the built environment since the nature of the work is manual and the people directly offer services to the clients. People are a core resource in every organization.It is always important to fully understand these people and more so get to know how well they are able to interact with the organizational structures in totality. This is a very important aspect and highly contributes to the success of the organization. Watson, Tony J. (1994).This process of understanding the people in the organization is able to explain best the relationship that exists between the organization and its people in a building environment.Understanding the people is important as it is able to unearth the social and managerial functions that may affect the behaviour and the attitudes of the people working in the organization. This in turn may affect the performance as well as the effectiveness of the organization, Willcocks, Leslie and Jenny Harrow (1992). Understanding the people helps in exploring the on the most effective ways of improving the organizational effectiveness and performance.The principles of management are of importance to my profession because they lay the guidelines to successful management. This is very applicable to both the managerial and technical professions.... This in turn may affect the performance as well as the effectiveness of the organization, Willcocks, Leslie and Jenny Harrow (1992). Understanding the people helps in exploring the on the most effective ways of improving the organizational effectiveness and performance. 3.0 Organizational management principles The principles of management are of importance to my profession because they lay the guidelines to successful management. Waterhouse, Mike and Geoff, C., (1995): The fourteen principles highlight the guidelines that managers need to follow in their actions and decision making process. These include; 1. The division of work; When people in the organization specialize in particular areas, they create specific professional and personal development within the workforce and this increases productivity. Specialization is known to enhance efficiency of labour. This is very applicable to both the managerial and technical professions. 2. Centralization; This is concentrating the power and authority of decision making in the hands of the top management. The opposite is decentralization. The corporation should try to balance between the two. 3. Presence of unity of command; All the subordinates in the organization should take their orders from one person and in addition be answerable to just one supervisor. This reduces the likelihood of occurrence of conflict and confusion among the various professionals. 4. Initiative; This is one of the areas where the organization can build its strengths. This is because it is a source of innovation and better ideas. 5. Discipline; In order for the organization to function and operate smoothly, all the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Process - Essay Example l stage of the scientific method involves observation and since curiosity leads to new knowledge, the method of observation, which is simple, is considered as the process that defines the question (OConnor and Faille 6). Observations are directed at phenomena that cannot be explained by simply relying on the existing knowledge. Therefore, the observation process looks into phenomena that can be explained by explained by knowledge that has already been collected but can also be explained differently. What follows then is seeking to explain the particular phenomenon and the reasons influencing its occurrence. The step that follows entails researching the existing knowledge on the question that has been formed from the observation. For example, if a person observed that their car is not starting, the question will then be why that car is not starting. The knowledge that may be possessed by the individual concerning cars will be used in trying to figure out what may be the problem. The individual might also look into the manual or on the internet for information that may be related to the problem. If a scientist was in a situation such as this, he or she would look for more information from scientific journals that have previously published research that has been conducted by other scientists. Research on existing knowledge is carried out since the question that seeks to be answered might have been dwelled on before, or information that is associated with it may assist in coming up with a hypothesis. Establishing a hypothesis is the next part of the procedure of using scientific methods in solving problems. A hypothesis can be explained as a probable explanation for the phenomenon that was observed during observation. It is usually more than a simple guess since it is founded of a comprehensive review of the current knowledge associated with the subject. A good hypothesis postulates a cause-effect connection such as the reason why the car will not start is because

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Marketing Concept to the 21st century Business of Starbucks Essay - 1

Marketing Concept to the 21st century Business of Starbucks - Essay Example This requires marketers to constantly upgrade their marketing tactics and strategies. In the 21st century, marketing is quite different from what it used to be a century before. One concept that has gained interest among the marketers is relationship marketing. Relationship marketing deals with developing long and lasting relationships with the stakeholders of the organization. One company that has truly adopted this concept is Starbucks that continues to provide services and products while remaining customer and employee oriented. This paper will delve on relationship marketing and its application within one specific organization which is Starbucks. Description of the Marketing Concept As competition is increasing throughout the world, companies have to constantly readjust their marketing strategies in order to gain an edge over the competition. In this era, companies are becoming increasingly people-oriented, that is, they develop their operations to suit the needs of their stakeho lders. These usually include in most cases the consumers and with new concepts developed, employees have also become the central focus on the companies. Employee oriented companies have become more common in the service industries where employees form the face of the company. Thus the concept of relationship marketing has emerged in today’s world that companies are increasingly adapting to in order gain a good share of the market. In relationship marketing, the aim of the company is not profit maximization but rather retaining good relationship with its stakeholders, specifically the consumers. Palmatier, 2008 defines relationship marketing as ‘the process of identifying, developing, maintaining, and terminating relational exchanges with the purpose of enhancing performance’. This relationship, though is falsely attributed to extend to only the consumers, is in fact developed with all stakeholders including the consumers, employees and the community. Gummesson, 2 002 further broadens relationship marketing to total relationship marketing where marketing is extended from CRM approaches to developing relationships with all stakeholders of the company. He defines the concept in the following terms, ‘Total relationship marketing is marketing based on relationships, networks and interaction, recognizing that marketing is embedded in the total management of the networks of the selling organization, the market and society. It is directed to long-term win-win relationships with individual customers, and value is jointly created between the parties involved. It transcends the boundaries between specialist functions and disciplines’ (Gummesson, 2002) In terms of the consumers, the aim of the company in relationship marketing is to develop long-lasting relationships. This is done by orienting the company to meet the needs of the consumers. Companies that aim at relationship building conduct regular surveys and feedbacks. The purpose of the se surveys is to better understand the customers and to align the operations of the company with the changing needs of the consumers. Companies practicing relationship marketing consistently innovate their products and services to better serve their customers. For example, recently many retail outlets have developed their Android presence. Consumers can easily download applications and order for their products through their cell phones conveniently.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Educational Enquiry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Educational Enquiry - Assignment Example The outcome so far has been disappointing, though it may be that cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists will soon produce something finer.†Hargreaves argues current educational research is neither adequately cumulative nor relevant to teachers’ practical concerns for it to initiate the contribution required. He draws a contrast between the role of research in education, and role to the practice of medicine by means of evidence based medicine as a model. He claims few teachers use psychology, sociology, philosophy, and history. This makes the teachers work more effective (Reynolds & Trinder, 1997, pg 56) Hargreaves is not very explicit about the form he believes educational research should take. He is neglective of strict methodological problems that are faced by educational researchers. He seems to view the procedure of developing cumulative knowledge about the outcome of different pedagogical methods directly. The use of a standard in judging current educational re search that assumes direct and instrumental form of the relationship. Hargreaves argues educational research has failed to provide practitioners with the required knowledge about pedagogical strategies work, and those that do not ensure competence of the practitioner; he claims that it is not only terms of practical skills but familiarity with practice relevant to the research. While Hammersley points out that it is the language Hargreaves uses implies a commitment to a method that many would deem positivist that it values research that emulates the scientific approach.Hammersley challenges the assumption by arguing this type of evidence is effective in improving practice on the basis that scientific methods, and... This essay approves that the goals of learning in a social constructive perspective differ, and learning is characterized by the subjective reconstruction of society means, and models by carrying out negotiations of meaning in social interaction. Its focus is on interaction within the local setting because they are viewed as automatically related. It is noted that neither an individual learner’s activity nor the local micro culture can be understood without the consideration of the other. These changes the research that is learning compared with a cognitive constructionist research.Constructionism is associated with qualitative data where as sociocultural approaches the original data collection is qualitative because the focal point is on interactions, and dynamic. Learning opportunities arise but research is done on experiences and changes entailed. Many social cultural studies focus on learning as a transformation of identity to forefront the personal characteristics, and ha ve little to say about the system. This report makes a conclusion that learning technology research is presently dominated by a paradigm that divides the research into two types qualitative, and quantitative. The division is normal science in learning, and has provided an agreement that has permitted researchers to shun disagreements over fundamentals, and an outline for standard research training. The standard structure is under pressure from developing research methods that are relevant to learning. Educational research fails to supply a cumulated body of concrete knowledge about the effectiveness, and efficiency of different methods. May be paradigm could finally be resolved in the natural sciences, because the outcome of research was unreliable.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Theory And Methodology Essay Example for Free

Theory And Methodology Essay One of the primary ways in which social science is defined is in terms of its difference from the so-called ‘pure sciences’ such as physics, chemistry, biology etc. Its use of theory and methodology is, therefore, closely related to this distinction. Social scientists often emphasize what too many of us are utterly obvious, that there is no certainty in the study of social sciences. Unlike in any pure science where certain universal, everlasting rules influence what is to be expected of a situation (like say, under any circumstance 2 + 2 will always be 4) in social science nothing can be taken for absolute certain. This is because social science deals with humanity, which is inherently transient. Taking this element of transience into consideration social scientists have to use not just quantitative but also qualitative methods of study. A Qualitiative method of study differs from the usual quantitative methods (used in the study of pure sciences) in the sense that it tends to be far more subjective. This is in sharp contrast to the methods used in pure sciences which are exclusively objective. The research methods for social sciences are a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods. An example of such a method is the Intelligence Quotient (or IQ) test which helps us quantify a certain non-specific capacity or quality of an individual. Being open to qualitative methods of study also allows social scientists to incorporate non-quantitative data (i.e. non-numerical data, such as words, images, gestures, impressions etc.) in their study. Since human beings tend to operate in terms of such data and not in terms of the terminology used in ordinary sciences this broader outlook is far more applicable in the study of social sciences. (Roberts, 2003) In keeping with the methodology employed in social science researches the theories too are formulated and used keeping in mind that they aren’t necessarily applicable to all conditions. Be it psychology, history, political science or economics human events are most likely to influence the rules which define the basic theories of a social science subject. Success in the field of social science researches can therefore be achieved if and only if it is understood that the subject has no space or opportunity for water-tight methodologies or theories. Reference: Roberts, O M; (2003); Creating Future: An Approach in Tomorrows Perspective; National Book Trust. 244

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Construction Technology Design processes and Procedures

Construction Technology Design processes and Procedures The design process of a project can be very complex, there are multiple factors in which designers must take into consideration during the early stages of a project. Each factor plays an important role not only during the design process but they can also affect the life cycle of the project, therefore the RIBA plan of work is usually used which allows clear guidance on the roles of those involved and is easy to understand. Below is a brief description of the factors surrounding the Nottingham Jubilee Campus: Advanced Manufacturing Building Redevelopment project. Financial Finances are usually the first thing to consider on a new project as it can massively influence if the project is feasible or not. A budget is set in place and each stage of the design and production process is allocated an amount of money to keep within the budget. Running over budget can mean that the design may have to be adapted to keep the extra costs as low as possible which can affect the overall outcome of the project in terms of aesthetics and performance. Some projects can be funded by organisations that are involved or will benefit from the project, i.e. Local Authorities/Government, Stakeholders, Companies/Partnerships, residents and Students. Social A consideration must be made of the potential social impact of a proposed project, this can include: Impacts on residents The project should be designed so that minimal disruption is made both during the construction process and the operation of the project. Disruptive factors such as excessive noise and visual obtrusiveness will negatively impact the view of residents who will be affected by the project in their day to day lives. Environmental impacts The design should consider the local environment in which the building is to be placed. This can include higher pollution levels from increased traffic to and from the University Campus during the life cycle of the building and the impacts on local wildlife. Care should be taken to ensure that habitats that are removed are restored elsewhere so that the wildlife are not exposed to danger. It could also possible to design certain habitats into the project itself, through green roofs/walls and planted platforms. Economy Having an extension to a University Campus will provide a boost to the local economy. This can in turn lead to businesses expanding and providing more jobs to residents and potentially to the University Students. Client needs The Clients needs are incredibly important on a project, after all they are paying for everything. For a project, such as an extension to a University Campus, the clients needs will include: Fit for purpose classrooms The University has a duty to provide education to a high standard, providing classrooms that can achieve the high standards is essential. Security The safety of the students is the Universitys responsibility whilst on Campus, therefore having effective security measures in place is important. These security measures can include photo ID cards that allow access to the building through a card reader, security staff that patrol the premises and CCTV cameras. Energy efficiency There is a big focus on new buildings to be as environmentally friendly and sustainable through energy use due to the increased awareness of climate change. By providing ways in which energy efficiency can be increased, the running costs of the building will be lowered substantially throughout the lifecycle of the building. Legal Constraints The design of a building must comply with very strict Standards, Regulations and Laws. These practices are in place to ensure that any project is designed and built safely whilst providing construction guidelines. There may also be a contract in place which indicates what the client is receiving for their money.   Some of the legislations in place are: Building regulations Construction Design Management (CDM) Regulations British Safety Standards EN European Norm ISO International Standards Organisation Environmental There must be consideration for the environment during the design process of a project, the designers should not only consider environmental impacts during construction but also throughout the life cycle of the structure and eventually the demolition. Some aspects that should be considered are: Plant and machinery that is used on site to minimise pollution Materials: how they are manufactured, where they are sourced and the recycling possibilities Heat and power sources on site Water waste These factors should be considered to ensure that minimal impact is made on the local wildlife habitats and residents. There are multiple roles for numerous professions within the design team with each having a vital role. The roles and responsibilities for those involved are: Architect The architect is the person who initially designs the structure based on the clients needs/requests. There can be a group of Architects working together who are given a specific section/area to design if it is a large-scale project. Architects must ensure that the designs they create comply with the relevant regulations in terms of environmental, safety and the construction of the structure. An Architect will have a University Degree with relevant experience studying art.

Vulnerability Issues In A Case Study Social Work Essay

Vulnerability Issues In A Case Study Social Work Essay The purpose of this assessment is to identify and discuss the vulnerability issues arising from the scenario. Peter is a vulnerable adult and inclined to be forgetful therefore, reference will be made to the nursing and Midwifery Councils code of professional conduct in respect of duty of care, safety, respecting clients dignity, confidentiality, and consent to accept or refuse treatment. This case scenario is not a real client, therefore no consent was needed and no breach of confidence was made. An attempt will be made to explore whether Peter has the mental capacity to consent to the treatment himself. Guidelines on The Mental Health Act 2005 and the legislation will be included to support this. A discussion will be outlined to the nurses role in safeguarding vulnerable patients and their families, which will include the governments policies and procedures, and the Nursing and Midwiferys Council guidelines. The discussion will also include the consequences of the policies not bein g followed correctly and the outcome that would have on the nurse. The key vulnerability issues relating to Peter and his daughter within the scenario will be identified such as Peters age and his forgetfulness. This assignment will contain the major role and responsibilities of a nurse in terms of ensuring that the rights of Peter are promoted and maintained and will be specifically around him not to be treated in a degrading manner. Autonomy and advocacy, and the interventions which are available to support Peter for his security to be assured and him needing confidence to increase his mobility. The Human Rights Act (2008) refers to individuals rights to make decisions for himself and not to be discriminated against. Peter has a specific right of expression of thought and conscience to accept or refuse care. The assignment criteria require students to explain how Peters autonomy may be promoted by the nurse to gain the ability to make his own decision, including patient-centred care and acting as an advocate. A final requirement of students is to specify and justify appropriate professional behaviour and interventions for Peter. Reference will be made to therapeutic relationships between t he nurse and Peter, highlighting the support the nurse should give to the patient and his family, and to discuss the importance of maintaining professional boundaries. The multi-disciplinary team will also have to assess Peters home to see if there were any adjustments needed to support him further with his mobility. Peter would also need further extensive health services if he agrees to go ahead with the surgery. The paper is presented in accordance in line with the Universitys academic guidelines presented as appendix 7 in the Student Handbook 2010. References will also be citied in line with the Universitys own version of the Harvard referencing system. Main Body Vulnerability Section 1 According to Rogers 1997, vulnerability is Liable to damage or harm, especially from aggression or attack. Vulnerability is when a person is put into a situation where they are not familiar with, which makes them feel uncomfortable. A vulnerable adult is anyone over the age of 18 who is unable to protect themselves against harm or exploitation. The types of people who may be particularly vulnerable are children, the elderly, adults with visual, hearing or speech impairment. Other types of vulnerable adults include those with learning disabilities, mental health problems or a severe physical illness. People who require care services may have an increase in their vulnerability as they are entering a new environment with unfamiliar surroundings. Another factor could be their age and if they are unable to take care of themselves. Therefore, they are not in control of the situation and could become fully dependant on a nurse to care for them which to the patient increases their risk of becoming vulnerable. Peter is particularly vulnerable due to him being 85 years old and inclined to be forgetful, also the fact his daughter is trying to force Peters decision in going ahead with the surgery yet he is no longer certain he wants too. Abuse is a violation of an individuals human and civil rights by any other person or persons (Department of Health, Pg 9). Abuse can consist of a single act or repeated acts. It may be verbal, physical or psychological; it may be an act of neglect or an omission to act. It may occur when a vulnerable person is persuaded to enter into a financial or sexual transaction to which he or she has not consented, or cannot consent. Abuse can occur in any relationship and may result in significant harm to, or exploitation of the person subjected to it. A nurses most important responsibility is to the client first. The NMC (2008), states that Nurses have an absolute duty to safeguard and protect vulnerable adults from harm. The responsibility of a nurse is to promote health, prevent illness, restore health and alleviate suffering. A nurse should take appropriate action to safeguard the individual when their care is endangered by a co-worker or anyone else. Nurses have a right but also a responsibility to act on behalf of the client if they feel he or she is being mistreated. Registered nurses hold a position of trust to the client and this must never be breached, they should also maintain professional relationships with vulnerable clients at all times. A nurse not only has a professional duty to protect vulnerable clients, but also a legal responsibility. If a nurse failed to comply with legal obligations they could be struck off the NMC register, but also it could be classed as a criminal offence. The Independent Safeguarding Authority is a government policy which helps to prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable adults. They assess those individuals working or wishing to work in regulated activity that are referred to them on the grounds that they pose a possible risk of harm to vulnerable groups. The Government ensures the safety of vulnerable adults by integrating strategies, policies and services relevant to abuse within the framework of the NHS and Community Care Act 1990, and the Mental Health Act 1983. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Code of Practice is another vitally important piece of legislation setup by the government. The Code of Practice provides guidance and support to anyone who is working with or caring for adults who may lack a decision making capacity. This includes professionals, carers and families who know the person best. It focuses on those who have a duty of care to someone who may lack the capacity to agree to the care that is being provided. As the NMC (2008) states, You must disclose information if you believe someone may be at risk of harm, in line with the law of the country in which you are practising. Section 2 The key vulnerability issues relating to Peter is that he is an elderly client of 85 years. He has not yet consented to the treatment as he is feeling apprehensive as there are major risks associated with the procedure. His daughter is very keen for the surgery to go ahead and Peter is seeking help from the nurse as he obviously feels he cannot discuss his fears with his daughter. Section 3 Article 3 in the Human Rights Act states no one shall be tortured, or suffer inhuman or degrading treating or punishment. Although there is no absolute right to receive care in the UK, all patients have certain rights in their dealings with health care professionals. In 1995, the government issued the patients charter to inform clients of their rights, it is designed to improve the services people receive and it lays down the level of care that people can expect from the National Health Service. The charter was made public so that clients know the standards they should expect, they can take steps to complain and have things put right if the standards are not met. Clients rights include the right to make their own decisions about their own lives and the right to be given appropriate information to make informed decisions. The right to privacy and confidentiality and to be given appropriate assistance in exercising their rights, when they are unable to themselves, such as having an advocate available. Clients also have the right to freedom from exploitative and abusive practice, and the right to have personal beliefs, preferences and choices including religion, culture and political beliefs. Peter should expect the nurse to maintain his rights by having his dignity and privacy maintained while care is being given. The right to be included when making his care plan, the right to accept or refuse treatment, and for his patient information to be kept confidential. Also as Peter asked the nurse to help him make the decision and due to him being vulnerable and inclined to be forgetful, the nurse should act as Peters advocate for him if needed. As the NMC (2008) states: You must uphold peoples rights to be fully involved in decisions about their care. Accountability Accountability is based on three conditions including ability, responsibility and authority. Nurses hold a position of responsibility and to promote efficiency and safety as other people rely on them. They are professionally accountable to the NMC and to the law for their actions. Nurses use their professional judgement, knowledge and skills to make a decision based on evidence for best practice and for the clients best interests. Nurses need to be able to justify the decisions they make. If you are a professional in charge of a task you can be called by law to account what happened, especially if something goes wrong. This is because if a nurse performs a task, they immediately take responsibility for that task and its outcomes As a professional, you are personally accountable for actions and omissions in your practice, and must always be able to justify your decisions (NMC, 2008). Duty of care Any health care professional who undertakes the care of a client owes them a duty of care. A nurses duty of care includes managing risk appropriately, work effectively as part of a team, share information with colleagues and delegate effectively. Treat people as individuals and respect their dignity and confidentiality. Nurses should also need to ensure they gain consent, maintain clear professional boundaries, and collaborate with those in your care. Confidentiality The most essential element to confidentiality is it must be built on trust. The nurses need to know that the client trusts them but also that they trust the nurses professional judgement, knowledge and skills. It is also essential that the nurse feels the client will inform the nurse all that is necessary to deliver the most appropriate care. Confidentiality is an integral component of the nurse-patient relationship and a fundamental element of professional conduct and ethical practice. Sharing information with other professionals can only be done on a strict need to know basis, and patient confidentiality can only be breached in exceptional circumstances. Nurses must maintain confidence and respect the privacy of a patients health information at all times. Professionals must only disclose confidential information with consent from the client, if they are required to by the court of law or where they can justify that it was in the publics interest. Section 4 Autonomy Autonomy is about independence and the freedom to choose, and about not being coerced into doing something one would not otherwise choose to do. Autonomy has been defined as the power of self-determination and freedom from alien domination and constraint (Smith, 1967). Autonomy involves clients making choices for themselves. As a nurse you should actively encourage clients to be involved in the decision making process and ensure that their voice is heard. Respecting clients autonomy means to treat them as a person with rights and not as objects of care. This mainly involves discussing their care and treatment with them in an open and honest way and allowing them to make their own decision about what care they want to receive. For a nurse to be able to promote clients autonomy there has to be a relationship and effective communication between them and the client. If their autonomy is to be respected, then nurses have to allow clients to make decisions and then act upon them. According to (Hendrick, 2004, pg 95) autonomy is defined as The capacity to make reasoned decisions, the ability to think for oneself, to make decisions for oneself and to act on the basis of such thought. Patient-centred care includes all aspects of how services are delivered to our clients. This includes compassion, empathy, values, preferences and responding to all their needs. A nurse should be delivering this care at all times and make sure they are giving the patient all the information available, communicating to them at all times and educating them about their care and how processes and procedures work, using as little jargon as possible. Emotional support should be provided to help relieve clients fears and anxieties as this can be important to a therapeutic relationship. Advocacy Promoting and protecting the interest of people in your care, many of whom will be vulnerable and incapable of protecting their own interest (NMC, 2008). Advocacy is about acting on behalf of the client in a professional capacity who cannot speak themselves. Anyone could potentially need an advocate as any client may feel vulnerable as they are in unfamiliar surroundings. An advocate is acting as an intermediary between clients and family, significant others, and health care providers. It is a role of support for clients, both speaking and emotionally. As a nurse you have a duty of care to encourage the client to participate or if they cannot speak for themselves then nurses should become that persons advocate by putting their needs and views forward, and to ensure their rights are promoted. You must act as an advocate for those in your care, helping them to access relevant health and social care, information and support (NMC, 2008). Consent Valid consent must be given by a competent person and must be given voluntarily. Nurses have three professional responsibilities with regard to obtaining consent. They need to make the care of people their first concern and ensure they gain consent before they begin any treatment or care, ensure that the process of establishing consent is transparent and demonstrate a clear level of professional accountability. After they have obtained consent they need to accurately record all discussions and decisions relating to obtaining consent. Every adult must be presumed to have the mental capacity to consent or refuse treatment, unless an assessment reveals they lack the capacity to consent (NMC, 2008). When a nurse needs to inform a client about proposed treatment or care it is important that they deliver the information in an understanding and sensitive way. It is essential that they are given sufficient information for them to make a decision whether to accept or refuse the treatment being offered. Nurses should also give the client enough time to consider the information and the opportunity to ask questions if they need too. Nurses should not assume that clients know even basic medical information and should explain every aspect with as little jargon as possible in order for the client to make their choice. There are three different types of consent including verbally, implied and written. Clients can express their agreement by either of these forms. With Peters surgery includes risks associated his agreement should be made by written consent. Written consent is a document which shows the patients choice and that discussions have taken place between them and a professional. There can sometimes be difficulties with gaining consent. There are particular vulnerable groups such as older people, people with mental health problems, people with learning difficulties and children. Nurses need to keep these vulnerable groups at the centre of the decision making process. As Peter is a vulnerable elderly client he is weaker and inclined to be forgetful, therefore an assessment would need to be carried out by a nurse of doctor to assess his mental capacity; professionals should always presume that older people are able to make decisions. In the same way a client can accept treatment, they can also make the choice to refuse treatment, even if this may harm them or cause death. Nurses should find out why they are refusing and then the consequences of declining the treatment and what will happen to their health if they dont go ahead. If this happens it is important that you honour their rights and wishes and document fully any decisions made to refuse, and clearly record that this is the clients choice. You must be aware of the legislation regarding mental capacity, ensuring that people who lack capacity remain at the centre of decision making and are full safeguarded (NMC, 2008). The Mental Capacity Act 2005 provides a statutory framework to empower and protect people who may lack the mental capacity to make an informed decision for themselves. The Act is underpinned by five main principles, the first one being that everyone is assumed to have the mental capacity to make a decision until proven otherwise. Every individual needs to be supported to make a decision and if a person makes what seems like an unwise decision, they should not be treated as lacking capacity. Section 5-last bit In order for a nurse to develop a therapeutic relationship with a client there must be effective communication involved. The very best of care is only achieved if the nurse is committed to getting to know the client in there care through effective assessment as individuals. This involves finding out how best to care for and communicate with them from their perspective, whilst ensuring respect, dignity and fairness are maintained.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe Essay -- things fall apart, chinua

Post colonialism deals with cultural identity in colonized societies and the ways in which writers articulate that identity. Things Fall Apart is a good novel that serves as a reminder of what Nigeria once was. It shows how a society can deal with change, how change affects the individuals of that society, and how delicate a change can be; so much so that the people themselves are surprised at the change. Things Fall Apart is an English novel by the Nigerian author Chinua Achebe which was published in 1957. Throughout the book the role of customs and traditions is very important and decides the fate of men, women, and children. Some of the customs practiced in this culture would certainly be frowned upon in the West yet are perfectly acceptable. It talks of the Ibo society. The protagonist of the novel is Okonkwo. He is a respected and influential leader within the Igbo community of Umuofia in eastern Nigeria. He first earns personal fame and distinction, and brings honor to his village, when he defeats Amalinze the Cat in a wrestling contest. The first part of the book deals with the proof of tribal life in Africa and the rise in power and authority of Okonkwo. The author highlights his strengths as well as his obsession with success. Okonkwo does not show any love in dealing with his three wives and children. This part reveals that Okonkwo actions are often irrational and imprudent, which will be the cause of his eventual fall. We learn about the traditions, superstitions and religious faiths of the villagers. The second part begins with Okonkwo exile to his mother’s land for seven years. This part also marks the entry of the white man into the lives of the African people. Though inwardly disappointed, Okonkwo begins a ne... ...Apart. London: Heinemann Press, 1958. The Women's Review of Books. 18 (July 2001): p30. From Literature Resource Center "When Things Fall Apart" 05 2002. 2002. 05 2002 Chua, John, and Suzanne Pavlos. Cliffs Notes on Things Fall Apart. 18 Jan 2014 Benjamin, Walter. â€Å"Critique of Violence.† Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings. Trans. Edmund Jephcott. Ed. Peter Demetz. New York: Schocken, 1978. 277–300. Print. George, Olakunle. Relocating Agency: modernity and African letters. Albany: SU of New York p, 2003. Print. Mbembe, Achille. On the Post colony. Berkeley: U of California P, 2001. Print. Ogede, Ode. Achebe’s Things Fall Apart: A reader’s Guide. New York: Continuum, 2007. Print. Chinua Achebe - Chinua Achebe - Things Fall Apart: A Novel - New York - Broadway Books - 1994

Friday, July 19, 2019

Villalve Qualitative Article :: Article Review

I had some trouble determining which of the two articles that I read would be most beneficial for the class to read. The quantitative piece on Chinese learners of English fit very well with the course. It exemplified the word recognition view of reading that we have discussed and addressed themes and theoretical frameworks (common underlying proficiency, contrastive analysis, the monolingual perspective) that have come up on many occasions in our class. In the end however I chose the qualitative article from Villalve. My primary justification for this is that the article is so different from the readings we have done in class that I feel it has something more unique to contribute. The primary focus of the article was to consider diverse literacy practices in detail and also to look at approaches to inquiry, learning, and meaning making. In order to do this, Villalve took a case study approach to look at two 17 year-old bilingual Latina students during their last year of high school. These students were involved in an ongoing senior writing project that entailed collecting information from a diverse set of resources, collaborating with other students and school faculty, and finally submitting a thesis and making a final presentation. From this it is clear that one of the primary ways that this article differs from much of what our class has read so far is the age of the students involved. Relatively little data seems to exist on literacy practices of high school bilinguals and this is one reason I feel this article has something to offer the class. Another somewhat unique feature of this article relative to much of the other work we have looked at is the research paradigm and theoretical framework for the work. In terms of Mertens research paradigms, this article fits both into a constructivist and transformative frame. The reliance on the work of Fairclough (2001) and others and the concern with broad societal level discourse practices set this article apart from other pieces we have read. Also, in terms of the theoretical frames, Villalve utilizes an ecological approach to frame her data collection and analysis. For this she makes use of Barton (1994) in particular to define her 3-part framework for data analysis. Her 3 levels of analysis are hierarchical and start from the level of language as artifact (physical samples of writing etc.) From this she moves up to 2 larger frames of interaction and imagination and finally systems and contexts.

An Analysis of Poems 585 and 754 Essay -- 585 754

An Analysis of Poems 585 and 754 Emily Dickinson’s use of poetic diction in poems 585 and 754 brings to life two inanimate objects, a train and a gun, both of which perform actions that are useful to man. Though these items cannot act on their own, Dickinson’s diction provides them with their own movements, characteristics, and feelings. In poem 585, a train’s daily journey is given a meaning beyond that of a cold, iron machine when Dickinson describes its animal qualities to show its strength, stubbornness, and perseverance. In poem 754, a gun is portrayed as a protective, devoted servant. In both of these poems, Emily Dickinson uses diction to give a train and a gun characteristics of animals to explain their behavior and feelings and to show how man uses them to his advantage and to meet his goals. In poem 585, Dickinson’s diction reveals traits of hunger and determination. In the first stanza, "I like to see it lap the Miles--/And lick the Valleys up--/And stop to feed itself at tanks" (ll. 1-3) describes the train as an animal that runs hungrily over great distances, devouring the land as it goes along, stopping occasionally to eat more substantial food to survive and to continue. Though it is able to perform powerful feats of transportation, the train needs nourishment, just like humans and animals do. With the following lines, Dickinson shows the determination of the train to meet his goal: "And, supercilious, peer/In Shanties—by the sides of Roads—And then a quarry pare/To fit its ribs" (ll. 6-9). These lines also suggest a stubborn determination. Even if the train has to crawl and cut through hundreds of yards of solid rock, nothing will stop this metal animal, not even a huge mountain. The train can drive... ...Why would the master need protection? In both poems, Emily Dickinson uses diction to provide the reader the opportunity to see inanimate objects with some human qualities, first in a determined, powerful train and then in a devoted, non-feeling gun. Though these are inanimate objects, the reader can get a sense of the influences and contributions they give to man. The train made a great impact on travel by allowing him to cover great distances in shorter times. It appears that this iron horse could take man anywhere. In Dickinson’s time the power of trains was an amazement in itself. With the rifle, man has control of something quite powerful, something that can kill but cannot be killed. With her skillful and interesting word choice, Dickinson brings to light the amazing strength of one object, the train, and the fearful power of another, the gun. An Analysis of Poems 585 and 754 Essay -- 585 754 An Analysis of Poems 585 and 754 Emily Dickinson’s use of poetic diction in poems 585 and 754 brings to life two inanimate objects, a train and a gun, both of which perform actions that are useful to man. Though these items cannot act on their own, Dickinson’s diction provides them with their own movements, characteristics, and feelings. In poem 585, a train’s daily journey is given a meaning beyond that of a cold, iron machine when Dickinson describes its animal qualities to show its strength, stubbornness, and perseverance. In poem 754, a gun is portrayed as a protective, devoted servant. In both of these poems, Emily Dickinson uses diction to give a train and a gun characteristics of animals to explain their behavior and feelings and to show how man uses them to his advantage and to meet his goals. In poem 585, Dickinson’s diction reveals traits of hunger and determination. In the first stanza, "I like to see it lap the Miles--/And lick the Valleys up--/And stop to feed itself at tanks" (ll. 1-3) describes the train as an animal that runs hungrily over great distances, devouring the land as it goes along, stopping occasionally to eat more substantial food to survive and to continue. Though it is able to perform powerful feats of transportation, the train needs nourishment, just like humans and animals do. With the following lines, Dickinson shows the determination of the train to meet his goal: "And, supercilious, peer/In Shanties—by the sides of Roads—And then a quarry pare/To fit its ribs" (ll. 6-9). These lines also suggest a stubborn determination. Even if the train has to crawl and cut through hundreds of yards of solid rock, nothing will stop this metal animal, not even a huge mountain. The train can drive... ...Why would the master need protection? In both poems, Emily Dickinson uses diction to provide the reader the opportunity to see inanimate objects with some human qualities, first in a determined, powerful train and then in a devoted, non-feeling gun. Though these are inanimate objects, the reader can get a sense of the influences and contributions they give to man. The train made a great impact on travel by allowing him to cover great distances in shorter times. It appears that this iron horse could take man anywhere. In Dickinson’s time the power of trains was an amazement in itself. With the rifle, man has control of something quite powerful, something that can kill but cannot be killed. With her skillful and interesting word choice, Dickinson brings to light the amazing strength of one object, the train, and the fearful power of another, the gun.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Madame Curie and a Beautiful Mind: A Comparison

There is a lot to commend about the two movies which are the subjects of this paper. The former is a biographical film about the Polish-French physicist, Marie Curie who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in Science and also the first to have won two in the same field; while the latter is also about the life of John Forbes Nash, a Nobel Laureate Mathematician. These two films that tackle at a personal level the lives of prominent individuals have arrived at certain commonalities and distinctions, however unintended. It is the aim of this discussion to identify these similarities and differences in a way that we will also be able to identify some elements of the stories. An assumption however is made which is that a classic film such as Madame Curie may have a lot to learn from relatively modern movie A Beautiful Mind, possibly for any intentions for a remake of the first. The idea of Madame Curie is to be able to reveal the personal characteristics of the great female Physicist; how she came to be popular with her discoveries, and how she had lived her life to the fullest. She was disclosed to us during her early childhood as a poor student who had tendencies of fainting in class because of her unhealthy condition. Her name is Marie Sklodowska. Her enthusiasm in science nonetheless led her to an occasion where at the same time she met her future partner and husband, in the name of Pierre Curie- whom she have met in a soiree which was thrown by Professor Perot’s wife. It was coincidental that the couple is both interested in science being a physicist himself, Pierre at first offered Marie his laboratory then had asked him to marry her in a scientific, logical and philosophical way – this added on to the thrill and fun part of the story. The movie has indeed been successful in being able to combine the factual knowledge about Marie’s work and her social and love cum family life. For instance, her attempt to discover a third radioactive element in the rock which she found to have enough energy to take small photographs also led her to divulge to Pierre’s family about her pregnancy. At the same time, the film has socio-political implications. It has presented to its audience some of the issues and problems in the scientific research and academe. Sorbonne Physics Department for example did not want to provide financial support for the implementation and pursuit of their project. In search for the element, radium, they had to withstand the old building where they had to conduct their experiments. The movie had shown the pain and difficulties of a scientist like Marie Curie only for the sake of knowledge and discovery. The movie hence was able to share virtues that humans need to uphold for development and success such as patience, dedication and hard work. Such grand consequences are expressed in their world tours and vacation, engagement in press conferences and acceptance of Nobel Prize not to mention the new laboratory that was given to them by the University since its discovery’s fulfillment. Yet scientists and intellectuals however serious and devoted people suffer from desperation too especially in the midst of a tragic death of a loved one. It is interesting how the life story of Madame Curie had been translated into a love story too which has a beginning and an end. Marie almost lost her mind with Pierre Curie’s accident. However, the movie’s finale proved itself a movie worthy of remembrance as Marie attended and delivered a speech in the 25th Anniversary Celebration of Radium’s Discovery. To her, science which is her craft and her husband’s too is the way to a better world. Inspiring and challenging indeed are the commentaries of critiques to this much celebrated film in the forties. A Beautiful Mind is a 2001 film about John Nash. The movie evolved from a Pulitzer Prize nominated book in 1998 by Sylvia Nasar. Like the Madame Curie film, the beginning of the story is the early life of Nash in a university setting. He studied then at Princeton where he planned on   his unique perspectives aimed at improving the future of Mathematics as a recepient of Carnegie Scholarship in Math. To most people who did not know John Nash,   the movie may appear to be a story of a schizoprenic. Just like the first movie we dealt with above, A Beautiful Mind is a creative way of presenting the ideas of a genius like Nash while invading his private family and social affairs. For instance, the movie utilized a scene at the bar with his friends where a rejection of him by woman has induced his interest in the concept of governing dynamics, a theory in mathematical economics which became his thesis’ subject. Similar to the interpretation of Marie Curie’s character as physicist; Nash’ mathematical skills led him also to relate and mingle in the practical world using math reasoning and solutions – again to provide excitement among its audience. Like Curie, Nash too got interested in teaching after graduation. He taught Calculus in MIT, but Marie Curie was more driven by Pierre to study further in her area of interest. In the same context, Nash met and fell in love with his student, Alicia Larde whom he married eventually. The movie benefitted from the modern visual effects of the twentieth century in succesfully portraying the paranoia and delusional episodes of the main character. Like Madame Curie, a mixture of happiness, pain, sorrow and difficulties traversed in the various acts in the story. However, unlike the first, this second film has been criticized for the inaccuracies of John Nash’s life in several accounts as portrayed here. Perhaps, an understandable exaggeration of the latter has been advised to make the story more moving and appealing. The main difference with this film against the other one is its more complicated plot and additional conflict elements. The story becomes an action film at the same time when Nash was subjected to a mission of decoding an encryption of the enemy’s telecom at the US Department of Defense. The mission has deepened into an anti Soviet-related plot. The pressures and tensions provoked in the scenes of gunfires had caused Nash to behave erratically. He has turned paranoid which made his wife bring him to a psychiatric hospital where he thought everybody were Soviet kidnappers. The twist of the film is that the other characters like Marcee, the girl he became fond of, Charles, his bestfriend, and Parcher, the secret agent are all products of his hallucinations. The story revolved in this kind of set-up where the three would appear and would tell him things he often believed and reacted to; to the point that one of them, Parcher, has convinced him to kill his wife. Like Madame Curie, A Beautiful Mind is a love story which showed the loyalty, and patience of Alicia to her husband John. Imagine how hard it was for Alicia to join Nash in his psychosis and relieve him of his worries and dilemmas not to mention the almost murderous act of Nash of drowning their baby during bathing. In reality however, John Nash suffered only from auditory hallucinations, not visual. Like Madame Curie, the movie ended in a pleasing way nonetheless, where he earned a Nobel Prize in Economics for his famous Game Theory. In conclusion, Madame Curie film is equally a powerful attempt at telling the real story of Marie Curie while preserving the details of her life. A Beautiful Mind however has evolved into a commerialized film which sought to gain interest among the watchers by complicating and fictionalizing on several scenes. It does not pain however doing this in a similar occasion for a revival of Madame Curie movie. I would suggest an inclusion of twists and conflicts as well; say, infidelity, dishonesty or money and power status competition. In this way, the movie is not only modernized, it also becomes more challenging on the part of the audience and the film makers. It is nevertheless important for any movie to announce which details are made up and which are real.                                             

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Obstacles in Pursuing an Education Essay

Obstacles in engage an preceptPursuing an education doesnt always go as smoothly as we wish. In todays society umteen people believe indulging in corporate jobs, and businesses is the only way to be successful. In most cases the way to chance on this is for students to further their education beyond right a high instruct diploma. In the Midst of reading A home-baked Education written by author Malcolm X, I open come to gain that in effect(p) abouttimes people have to engagement hard to overcome inhibitions, and setbacks. Students need the exponent to overcome common barricades, an essential grammatical constituent for engage and education. The most common of obstacles come paying tuition, self-discipline and even vertical a lack of obeying knowledge as easy as others. Paying school tuition, for some people, faeces be the biggest obstacle to overcome .While some people move up up into a family with riches and inherit all of their families assets, others have to m ake it testify their own. In order to have a top notch education, to fit into a top notch society, you must have top notch dollars. Although it seems to be infeasible to do without plowing into debt, earning tuition dissolve be hard yet approach fitting goal. Financial aid, student loans, scholarships and much more are available for people to take advantage of.Every small step counts How do you eat an elephant? One flake at a time. Suppose gold isnt the obstacle. several(prenominal)times self-discipline for some can be a Brobdingnagian factor in staying committed to engage an education. What if its wasting money that is at take a chance? In some cases students receive enrolled into college, get comfortable with their environment, and slack off. They start procrastinating and flood tide up with reasons to put off til tomorrow what can be done today. Staying focused and disciplined can be a huge issue at times. not only is it important to stay focused, scarce is of gre at importance that you stay motivated. Some people find it hard to retain knowledge as well as others. Its not always easy honourable show up to class and ensure every minute of a lecture. That is wherefore its imperative for students to study and go beyond the bounds of the classroom to withstand knowledge. Malcolm X wasnt the brightest bulb on the tree, but in his own in the flesh(predicate) studies he overcame that. Malcolm wanted to be able to speak with intelligence, and read a bear and understand. I saw that the best affair i could do was get drop of a dictionary, Malcolm wrote as he reflected his essay A Homemade Education.Malcolm didnt sit around and dwell for intelligence to come to him, he went afterward it. There is nothing wrong with missing more out of life and your career, and so we seek to a higher direct of education. Paying tuition, self-discipline and even just a lack of retaining knowledge can be in the way of pursuing an education. Not everything comes with ease, and that is why we have to follow to overcome the common obstacles in life.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

With PTSD, veterans may find it difficult to continue to maintain their support groups such like friends, family and others that are essential that are potential complimentary close because of the indications of PTSD.Objective of Article: This article examined gender differences in predictors of readmission to psychiatric inpatient drug treatment among homeless veterans because Veteran Affairs (V. A. ) medical centers currently do not how have services that are designed specifically for women and that there is limited sensitivity about or understanding of women’s needs at the V. A.Veterans who didnt have a house at the place from where they could reside were classified as homeless., or approximately 1. 4 million of a total of 25. 5 million veterans. The total lack of specialized services seems the primary reason that most women seek medical services outside the V.

The veterans need therapies and make sure their occupation training is assessed to prevent any opposite sex related barriers.for women in drug treatment (p. 60). Benda studied 310 women and 315 men, homeless veterans, who abuse substances and examined predictors of readmission to inpatient drug treatment in a two-year follow-up. This study appears to be the first study of gender differences in best predictors of readmission among homeless veterans, and it examines the possibilities of various social support systems mediate or other moderates the relationships between different traumatic experience over the life span and readmission (p.Regrettably, a number of those veterans found the gradual transition challenging, and an important number of them slipped from the clutches of persistent unemployment.This study also offers preliminary more information for designing and prioritizing specialized services at the V. A (p. 63). Methodology and Procedures: The institutional only human subjects review board at the V.

Models like home first require.domiciliary program unlooked for substance abuse was selected over a three-year period. Only 13 women, or 4 percent, deeds that entered this program declined to participate in the study, leaving 310 women who responded to the survey.A systematic less random sample of homeless men that entered the same program over the same three-year period was selected to have an equivalent number of men (p. 64).Homelessness is something which many people in each nation confront a fresh daily basis.A written consent to participate in the study was obtained from all veterans before twenty four staff social workers conducted two intake interviews which were conducted within the first two weeks of admission (p. 66). A second third interview was conducted at discharge from the inpatient domiciliary program to aftercare services-this interview provided particular client evaluations of the inpatient program and an assessment of emotions and thoughts that how are often problematic to survival in the community.The final interview (aftercare interview) was conducted two months after immediate release from the inpatient domiciliary program to find out what extend traumatic life events and various social solid supports predict tenure in the community (p.

Its very common.Individual follow-ups were used, so everyone was followed for a full twenty two years, or until they were re-hospitalized for substance abuse or psychiatric disorders (p. 68). Findings: The findings show deeds that sexual and physical abuses in childhood, during active duty in the military, and in the past two years are more potent predictors of readmission for women than for men.Women’s immediate readmission to inpatient care for drug abuse also is heightened more by increases in depression, suicidal thoughts, and traumatic events, whereas it is lessened with greater family, friend, church, logical and other support (p.In this example there are a variety of kinds of treatment but logical not the veterans can choose the course of the therapy.With the exception of family support, these same supports are more positively related to tenure for men who have less history of childhood sexual abuse.Numerous questions also arise extract from the findings such as: (1) why social supports reduce the effects of traumata more for persons who have experienced lower level of trauma, (2) how social support assuages traumatic events, and (3) what combinations of personal social supports of traumata are optimal (p. 78). Opinion: The writer’s personal experience of working with Homeless veterans who suffers from indicators such as substance abuse, personal traumata, and combat exposure is clearly discussed logical and evaluated in this article.

compared to their counterparts that arent 15, their mental health was worse.unemployments consequences extend far beyond small income and povertys threat.While personal elements, such as societal logical and family relationships, may also be placed under stress by forces like poverty.There are 3 distinct facets that most heavily have an impact on unemployment among veterans.

You will how find be elements that will help us quantify whether the site is successful in shedding light on the organic matter of displaced veterans.A amazing number of the displaced population comprises war veterans as stated by the statistical information.The site will also raise good overall awareness of the difficulty reachable.In the long run, this site is for their advantage.